McMaster wise & wise faculty members
Every few months, WISE faculty and student members hold town hall style discussions. Here we touch upon important issues and topics affecting women in STEM, careers and more. Each one features a new topic and new panel members.
The impacts of COVID-19 on early Career reseachers

In this town hall, we will discuss how COVID-19 is impacting early career researchers, including the effects of the pandemic on career progress, research funding and changes in the policy for tenure submissions, and "work-life balance" while working from home.
We will hear from Dr. Katie Moisse (Assistant Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Science), Dr. Sara Andres (Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences), Dr. Shaiya Robinson (Assistant Professor (CLA), School of Interdisciplinary Science), and Dr. Oana Birceanu (NSERC Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Biology & McCall MacBain Post-doctoral Fellow, Teaching and Leadership) as they reflect on their experiences and guide us through these important conversations.
Join us on January 27th at 11:00 AM, participants are encouraged to ask questions!
All members of the McMaster community are welcome, we look forward to seeing your virtual faces! 💻